Disaster Assistance Loans
Disaster assistance loans are available to primary producers who suffered damage from intense local hail during a storm late last week.
Primary producers significantly affected during a disaster but not located in a defined disaster area may be eligible to apply for assistance as an individually disaster-stricken enterprise.
Those producers should contact the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) on 13 25 23 to request an Individual Disaster Stricken Property (IDSP) declaration.
Once receiving an IDSP certificate, producers can be eligible for disaster assistance loans of up to $250,000 through QRIDA and freight assistance to help with emergency repairs to equipment, fencing and machinery due to this storm.
Impacted producers are urged to report damage through the DAF Agriculture Disaster Impact Survey https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/a65512900348401a812e57d743e4c104