Ipswich West Moreton Jobs

Local Jobs for Local People.

Ipswich West Moreton Jobs is a free-to-use portal that pairs job seekers and employers in the regions of Ipswich, Lockyer Valley and Somerset. Employers are able to advertise their employment opportunities free of charge, and job seekers are able to explore the employment and education opportunities available to them.

The portal is currently supported by the Ipswich, Lockyer Valley and Somerset local councils and continues to show growth and utility in the Ipswich West Moreton region.

How this benefits the region

This portal aims to take action against unemployment in the region by providing a space of local job opportunities that may not be previously exposed due to pay walls and other difficulties.

Regional partnerships

Our supporting partners in this initiative are the local councils of Ipswich City Council, Lockyer Valley Regional Council and Somerset Regional Council.

Helpful resources

What the Jobs Portal has to Offer

Job Seeker Tools

  • Search all jobs with the Ipswich and West Moreton region; share with friends via email and social media.​
  • Set a job alert to be alerted of new opportunities.​
  • Access exclusive jobs for Talent Community members.​
  • Access the Talent Community noticeboard of information, videos and useful links.​
  • Contact the Talent Community administrators for additional assistance.

Employer Tools

  • Add a job to the job portal at no cost and access a community of willing and active local job seekers. Shortlist or archive candidates within the ‘My Jobs’ dashboard.​
  • Print a Job Beacon poster and display a QR coded job poster on your shop window or office tea room.
  • Share your job via social media – Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.​
  • Showcase your employer brand to attract engaged local talent.​​
  • Request access to Search AirCV’s to match local talent to open job listings.